It’s not even been a week since Kelly Creighton and myself took to the stage at Boston Book Festival, but already it feels like a distant memory. The festival, held in the beautiful Back Bay area, was run over a weekend packed with literary events. Our Emerald Noir event was hosted in the impressive Boston Public Library and was moderated by its president David Leonard. David who originates from Dublin, delved into what makes us writers, and explored the themes that we feel compelled to come back to in our writing. The 120 plus audience was engaged and keen to discuss our work and how the Troubles has influenced our stories. Brexit even had a mention during the Q & A.
Norah Piehl BBF Executive Director hosted a pre-festival cocktail party where we met writers, readers and supporters. It was an opportunity for Kelly and I to make new connections and find out more about the Boston literary scene. We were fortunate to meet Jessica A. Kent who runs Boston Book Blog. Check out the blog –
Scriptwriter and essayist Mary Alice Cookson attended our event and kindly offered to show us around her hometown of Beverly and neighbouring Salem, the following day. We visited the beach and discussed our work while walking along the beautiful coastline.
After lunch we drove to the neighbouring town of Salem. Where better for two crime writers to explore, than the home of 1692 witch trials. Horrifically 19 innocent people, 14 women and 5 men, were hanged, and one man was pressed to death. We saw the House of the Seven Gables, made famous by Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel and visited several witch shops. The Halloween displays and costumes were Instagram worthy.
Later we dined on lobster near the beach and drank beers and gin in a snooker hall type bar. Away from the tourist traps it felt authentic. Every movie and book set in an American east coast town suddenly came into sharp focus.
The following day we trudged around Boston, exploring little back streets, finding interesting antiques shops and scoping out potential settings for future stories. BBF has spoilt us for future events. We’ve seen how writers are treated on an international stage and we approve. 😁
Special thanks to the Arts Council NI for supporting my trip.